You don’t have enough qualified applicants. You are spending more, working harder, increasing salaries, while offering more flexibility and you still can’t fill your roles. Why aren’t candidates attracted to your roles?
Are you trying to hire a software engineer? Does your outreach look something like this?

Job Descriptions for Software Engineers at a Technology, Healthcare and Retail company
Can you tell them apart? Can you distinguish them from your own? Put yourself in a candidate’s position and understand how impossible it is to really understand which opportunity is a match for you based on the job description.
And rewriting your job descriptions is not the answer! Yes, your job descriptions should be clear and informative, but they can be brilliantly written and they will still not attract candidates.
There are many similarities in functional jobs across all companies and industries. Software engineers write code, financial analysts review financial data and marketers develop marketing strategies, but the variation from company to company is substantial. How do you convey that to candidates and attract the ones that are looking for the opportunity you offer?
Keep in mind that candidates have the same short attention span at the beginning of their job search that recruiters have at the beginning of candidate review. If a recruiter only spends on average 7 seconds reviewing an application, how long do you think a candidate spends reviewing a job? It’s short! It’s seconds.
You need to grab their attention and quickly tell them something interesting. You need to spark their interest so they want to lean more. You need to differentiate your position so they understand how you are different. And you need to do it at scale because you have hundreds of openings.
The only way to accomplish this effectively is with video. Short, informal video clips made by the hiring manager that highlight one aspect of the job will fundamentally change your candidate attraction. Candidates are engaged by video but they want it short (20 seconds is ideal), credible (not professionally produced) and relevant (they want to meet their boss not hear a testimonial from a random employee).
Your job postings can look like this:
With a simple plug-in from SparcStart, you can transform your existing tech stack to a video-enabled system that is simple to use, secure and scalable. Your hiring managers can talk to your prospects, and put a human face and voice on each of your positions. You can start building relationships at the very beginning of the candidate journey and have better informed and more committed candidates.
See how easily you can dramatically increase your applicant attraction and connect candidates to your opportunities. Schedule a demo today.