Hiring manager video drives action
The 2017 study, The Role of Video in the Candidate Experience, generated data on candidates’ perceptions of the credibility, appeal and persuasiveness of video in the attraction phase of recruiting. Not only was video of a potential boss preferred over a company overview, job preview and general employee testimonials, it made candidates more likely to consider a position and take action, either responding to a recruiter or applying.
VIDEO | Recap of Key Findings
Principal Analyst | Lighthouse Research & Advisory
Candidates want to see Hiring Manager video, specifically, 2 1/2 times as often as a generic company overview video.

The best candidate experience includes video
The 2017 Candidate Experience Research Report which collected data from more than 180,000 candidates worldwide, documents the declining value of job descriptions and the increasing value of employee generated content. The report’s key recommendations based on What CandE Winners Do Better include:
Don’t Rely Solely on Written Job Descriptions | As more and more candidates question the accuracy of job descriptions, organization need to engage in a more effective tool to provide relevant content to candidates during the Attract phase. Companies should consider using video job descriptions alongside their written versions.
Source: North American Candidate Experience Research Report, 2017
VIDEO | What Candidates Really Want
President | The Talent Board
Today, it is really important for candidates to have more than just a written job description.

Video is the most powerful medium to persuade millennials
In a series of studies and reports including Video Platforms for Customer and Employee Experience analyst Nick Barber concludes:
Humans process video content faster than text, and video drives a deeper emotional connection than any other medium. As the amount of video web traffic continues to increase rapidly, [employers] must use video to differentiate their message, engage Millennials, and explain complex ideas more simply.

Nick Barber | Forrester

Engage top talent with personalized content for high-impact results
In Bersin’s comprehensive analysis of the characteristics defining a highly mature Talent Acquisition team, analyst Robin Erickson identified the high-impact behavior associated with the personalization and credibility in candidate outreach:
A highly mature TA team constructs a personalized journey to engage top talent, strengthen employment brand, and promote the organization’s culture.

Robin Erickson | Deloitte

Bersin, Deloitte Consulting LLP, 2018